Thursday, April 17, 2008

And so it begins...

I started work at the hospital this week. I am enjoying myself, happy to be back in the swing of things after a year of language study. I missed medicine, although I am finding things much different over here!

I never imagined myself working in a clinic where TB, AIDs and Malaria would be some of the most common illnesses, where I would need to wipe my face with my handkerchief during the physical exam to keep from dripping on the patient, and where one of the questions I routinely ask is “how many wives do you have?”

I can't pronounce half the names, let alone read them, so most of the patients waiting in the hall get a real kick out of my attempts and quite often the Arabic has to be translated to Fulfulde to be translated to French before I can understand the response to my question.

So, with God's help, I am making friendships and learning the ropes. It has been great meeting people face to face, they become so much more than “Africans”. It has been a relief to care for their needs, to feel productive in easing their pain.


Chi Alpha at CMU said...


Thanks for all the insights and updates that you send. It is nice to be in Africa through your eyes. Sometime it is hard to imagine as we are still freezing here in Michigan what you are facing. Keep up the good work and send more pictures. I love pictures.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you Sarah! Sounds like things are going better for you. -Matthew

Mom said...

Hi Sarah- Very interesting reading your blog. You write very well in a loving, non-judgemental way but the reality does come through. I am very glad that you are finally working in the hospital, doing what you set out to do so many years ago. It has been a long and interesting journey for you, that is still going strong. In reality, I have to say that I am content to stay here and live vicariously through you. You have always been a very respectful, compassionate person, and I am proud of you...Love Mom