Friday, May 23, 2008


Today as I was walking through the crowded dispensary, dodging feet and knees, trying not to step on anyone, I felt someone take my hand. I stopped and looked behind me and there was a little boy, returning my gaze. I said hello and we just stood there a minute, hand in hand. I think he was fascinated by the color of my skin and I was happy to oblige his curiosity.

During one of my visits to the pediatrics ward, a toddler hastily crawled up to me, grabbed both my ankles with both his hands and just held on! So I stood there awkwardly, with this little guy massaging my ankles as his mother and her friends howled in laughter. They said that he was so interested in the "nazara" - white woman.

Recently, when passing the lab, a little girl cried out "nazara!" with a huge smile. She was truly excited to see me, as though she had known me for some time. This caused her mother to break into a smile and we laughed together.

I love kids, I appreciate their lack of inhibition. They break down the barriers of insecurity and uncertainty and allow you a chance to connect.

1 comment:

Chris said...


I am so very glad to see that you are being accepted even if it is slow in the comming. Children do not seem have the same cultural/racial barriers adult usually do. I pray that as the adults see the work you do, how you interact so wonderfuly with the children (and the other adults you have currently made friends with)and just your wonderful smile and personality that it will melt their hearts or at least the tension so that you can better connect without the barriers in the way. You are such a strong women Sarah. I am so very proud of you!!