Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thank you CCBC!

Our team was so pleased to receive your most recent gifts!

Andy and Kari say thank you for their coffee! The kids, Josiah and Elizabeth really liked their new toothbrushes, Lightening McQueen is Josiah's favorite!

Scott and Lee were amazed at their HUGE bag of M&Ms!

Ever the chocoholic, Dave was so pleased with his goodies. I'm sure he'll share with Patsy:-)

Jumbo bag! Danny and Frances will be snacking on their Reeses for quite a while!

The kid's ornaments were great! I didn't quite have room on my mini-tree, so they are cheerfully decorating my living room instead:-)

I feel as though I write the same words every time, but they are genuine. Your faithful friendship has been such an encouragement and a blessing during my time in Cameroon and in particular, during this holiday season. My team is impressed by your love for me and so appreciated your kindness toward them as well. What a lovely family you are. I look forward to seeing you in the new year.

God bless you as you have blessed me, Sarah

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