Sunday, April 11, 2010

A fragrant incense

After our devotional time together this morning, the team gathered around me and prayed. They thanked the Lord for the time that we have been together, for all that God has taught me, for the way he is setting me free. We praised that Lord that while the work has been difficult, he has been faithful, we praised him that I have never been alone.

Placing the trip into God’s hands, we asked him to bless it, we prayed that he would be near and we would see his intervention in even the smallest details. We prayed that Jean and Aissa might be calm and at peace.

We asked that Jean and Aissa would be open to Jesus and that God would provide a translator on the ship who speaks their heart language. Our longing to see them whole, both physically and spiritually was laid out before the God who loves them.

Finally, we prayed over Aissa’s surgery. We prayed that all would go well, that her medical team would be blessed and that this little girl who came to us so near death, would be finally free of her bandages, that we would be able to see her beautiful face.

They committed me with their blessing to Mercy Ships, my new home for the next month, stating they were proud of me, affirming to me their love.


1 comment:

ali said...

that's beautiful Sarah... i've got goosebumps... i'm praying for you too and can't wait to hear how our loving Father provides and protects. have a wonderful journey!