Friday, February 1, 2008

Please Pray

This email was sent out by the wife of our director after a recent death at the hospital. Thank you in advance for your prayers - Sarah

Dear Friends,

We are writing to you with deep sadness in our hearts as the brothers and sisters from our local village church have experienced a terrible crisis. Last month, during a church service, the pastor’s dog began going after the children. Three of them were bitten including the pastor (the pastor was trying to catch the dog). The dog had been vaccinated for rabies, so they all believed this infection would not be an issue.

Monday night one of the children, a 5 year old little girl who was bitten in the face, presented at the hospital with symptoms of rabies infection. She could not drink water, her body was beginning to tighten, and she had an aversion to light. Everyone was devastated. The doctors hospitalized her, gave her IV sedation and everyone began praying for God to do a miracle. Unfortunately, she died Wednesday morning at 4:00a.m. The blanket of emotion, deep, deep sadness, is very tangible at the hospital and in the Christian community. The child’s father works at our hospital as well as two other fathers of the other children. A spirit of apprehension is also present at this time as everyone fears for the other four victims.

We are asking everyone to please intercede for these families. Ask the Lord to completely remove the rabies (if present) in all four of these people. Pray for this young girl's family and the other families that the Lord will give a supernatural peace and strength to all. Lastly, pray that through this terrible crisis, God will be glorified and His love will be seen and understood by all of our neighbors who are witnessing this trial.

Thank you friends for interceding before our Heavenly Father.

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