Monday, May 31, 2010


Aissa went home.

Saturday morning, one day after our arrival from Togo, Aissa came bounding into the compound, proudly wearing the new granny-apple green dress that had been made for this very occasion. She was excited to return to her village, and while the adults talked, she rode on the swing, asking to be pushed higher and higher still.

Jean was given instructions on Aissa’s mouth hygiene and how to care for her skin graft while it healed. We hope to visit soon to talk with the family about Aissa's future. She may be placed in a local orphanage during the school year where she will attend classes, have regular access to health care and continued discipline and structure.

Then we packed them into the truck for their return trip home.

Just one year previous, a miserable, skeletal, half-dead child was brought to the hospital. Just one year ago I sat on my living room floor begging God to save her life. Now exuberantly joyful, wonderfully affectionate, stubbornly courageous and chubbier than when we left for Togo, I can’t imagine life without her in it.

Praise God.

Saying goodbye.


New dress!

Home to Gargala.

Aissa and her sister!


tati said...

will be keeping aissa in my thoughts and prayers...and lifting her future up to the One who holds it all...

Unknown said...

Our beautiful girl is finally home!