Saturday, May 1, 2010

Please pray

Day 5 post op had finally arrived. The time had come to unwind the long bandage wrapped around Aissa’s head to get a glimpse of what lie beneath.

Given her fiery personality and strong will, the original plan was to sedate the little madam in order to keep her and her wound safe. However, the team decided to attempt the dressing change without medicating her, and she was amazing.

Decked out in one of her finest dresses, sporting a pair of hot pink plastic glasses, green flower taped to her head, she hobbled her way down the hallway, moving gingerly along because of the pain from the skin graft donor site on her thigh. We were escorted into the ICU, where the wound care nurses were setting up. She slipped off her shoes and held up her arms to be placed on the bed. Catching a glimpse of the TV, she pointed for it to be turned on and sat watching the program while occasionally sneaking a peak at the hustle and bustle around her.

Then it was time. She was wary as the nurse began to clip away at the gauze, and held her nasogastric tube tenderly, lest we bump it and cause her pain. However, she held up her mirror and watched our every move. With this measure of control she was so courageous and sat very still, not making a single protest until the many layers had been removed, stitches clipped, her new face revealed.

Her uncle smiled. She stared.

Was she in shock? Was she frightened? Confused? The little bird didn’t make a single peep, just stared, then put down her mirror and watched the TV.

And so she is absorbing it all, the love of the nurses, the discipline and boundaries of the ward, the pain and medications, all part of being put back together again.

We’ll give our girl some time. Please pray.

What a nut...

Watching everything in her mirror

Listening carefully

The gang

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